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For instance:There are, of course, exceptions. Something like "chocolate chip cookie" probably doesn't need to be hyphenated and over hyphenation can look bad. The general best practice is that if there's any way the words could be misconstrued, you should probably include a hyphen e. g. the "high school kid" and the "high school kid". If you're unsure if a word should be hyphenated, check to see what Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary and Wikipedia have to say.

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Aneeta Sundararaj, is the creator of the bestselling ebook 'How To Tell AGreat Story'. Visit to learn more. Coach Thomas Leonard reminds us that in a freely competitive world, whomeverprovides the most value for a potential customer will secure the customer. If you don't add value continuously, you will lose the customer. AND yourpotential/current customer knows for sure what value is, because they'llrespond predictably and naturally when enough value is present. Help yourcustomer to buy from you by eliminating any blockages around price, fear,availability, packaging, quality and your personality.
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This had to be documented complete with verbatim quotes. My bosssent for me to take dictation. It appeared the commissionaire had told hismanager to Bugger Off. In those days, NICE TYPES OF GELS didnt hear suchwords and in order not to embarrass me my boss wrote that bit down in hisunreadable scrawl. I sent back the finished work with the offending word speltB U G G A R and had to type it all over again. In thosedays it paid to know how to spell.
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Reserves are like human memory banks There are some principal theoretical components through which desuggestion and suggestion operate and that set up access to reserves. In suggestopedia method, the classroom is not the same as common classrooms. In the classroom, the chairs are arranged semicircle and faced the black or white board in order to make the students pay more attention and get more relaxed. In addition, the light in the classroom is dim in order to make the students mind more relaxed Xue, 2005. One of the most uniqueness of this method is the use of Baroque music during the learning process. Baroque music, with its 60 beats per minute and its specific rhythm, created the kind of relaxed states of mind for maximum retention of material. It is believed that Baroque music creates a level of relaxed concentration that facilitates the intput and retention of huge quantities of materials. Baroque music helps the students to reach a certain state of relaxation, in which the receptivity is increased Radle, 2008. The increasing of learning potential is put down to the increase of alpha brain and decreasing of blood preasure and heart rate. The use of music also depends on the expected skill of the students: listening, grammar, pronunciation, discussion, etc. The students learn English not only from direct instruction but also from indirect instruction.
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"Republicans made every effort to reach the 'balanced' deficit agreement that the president promised the American people, while the president has continued to insist on a package skewed dramatically in favor of higher taxes that would destroy jobs. " "While the President was taping those discordant remarks yesterday, Sen. McConnell was in the office working to bring Republicans and Democrats together on a solution. Discussions continue today. " Regardless of outcome, talk of a comprehensive budget deal is gone and any bill would likely set up a series of smaller partisan roadblocks in the weeks and months to come. For example, if any hypothetical legislation managed to dodge tax increases for the middle class it may still not address the looming debt ceiling, which Treasury can avoid using accounting tricks for approximately two months. A small deal may also not address the estate tax, another central point of the brinkmanship. Currently standing at 35 percent, Republicans want to leave that rate as is after exempting the first $5 million in estate value. Meanwhile Democrats have called for a 45 percent tax after a $3. 5 million exemption. Should negotiations fail, it would climb to 55 percent after a $1 million exemption after the New Year.