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Sam is an imaginative projection of what I would have been as a teenager if I just risked everything, admits Hallberg, who mined the zines of his high school friends to create hers for the novel. What would it have cost?Risk is literally Hallbergs middle nameits in the familybut it hasnt always been an easy relationship. It was a risk to tackle a book project on the scale of City on Fire back in the mid aughts, when slim, highly aesthetic novels were the fashion; it was an even bigger risk, as a recent transplant, to write about the seventies, a decade that remains very much present in the minds of many New Yorkers. On the stoop of his first Brooklyn apartment building, Hallberg remembers the feeling of modest needs lavishly met that greeted him and Elise when they first moved here from Washington, D. C. , in 2004but that, too, was a risk, as any adjunct teaching aspiring author knows.

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At the time, less than 20 people each year received kidneys from living donors, even though transplants from living donors produce much better patient outcomes. The frequency of these life saving procedures was limited by a simple, heartbreaking problem: Many people are willing to donate a kidney to a loved one but they cannot because blood type and other factors make them incompatible. Roth devised an exchange system to help incompatible donor recipient pairs find others in the same situation. Through complex chains of exchange, all participants had the promise of finding a suitable match. It was a leap that earned Shapley and Roth the Nobel Prize in 2012. David Gale passed away in 2008, so was not eligible for the prize.
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I lived in the same apartment for 25 years, moving into a poor but thriving black community in 1981 and out of the far more affluent, paler, and less neighborly place it had become in 2006. A lot of people moved in and out in that period, many of them staying only a year or two. Those transients always seemed to believe that the neighborhood they were passing through was a stable one. You had to be slower than change and stick around to see it. I saw it and it helped me learn how to take a historical view of things. Its crazy that anyone speaks as if our world is not undergoing rapid change, when the view from the window called history shows nothing but transformation, both incremental and dramatic. Exactly 25 years ago this month, Eastern Europe was astir. Remember that back then there was still a Soviet bloc, and a Soviet Union, and an Iron Curtain, and a Berlin Wall, and a Cold War. Most people thought those were permanent fixtures, but in the summer of 1989, Hungary decided to let East Germans who were permitted to travel freely to that communist country stream over to the West. Thousands of people, tired of life in the totalitarian east, fled. Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, as well as East Germany, were already electrified by a resurgent civil society and activist communities that had dared to organize in the face of repression.
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Many had monumental structures and beautiful artwork, but, except for the rulers and wealthy merchants, most of the population lived in poor quality housing. Streets were little more than footpaths; paving was not introduced until 1184 in Paris, 1235 in Florence, and 1300 in Lbeck, in what is now Germany. Unhygienic conditions undoubtedly contributed to a devastating epidemic called the plague, or the Black Death, which spread to Europe after afflicting cities in Asia and the Middle East. In the first three years of the epidemic in Europe, between 1348 and 1350, some cities lost at least half of their residents. The population of Siena, Italy, for instance, dropped from about 42,000 to 15,000. More than a third of the population of Europe was wiped out. Europe suffered additional outbreaks of plague in the 14th century but recovered slowly. In France new market oriented towns called bastides were established in attempts to generate revenue for the king and to resettle areas that had been depopulated by the plague. Economic progress continued in France, Italy, Germany, Flanders, and England, leading to the growth of industry, trade, and banking that is sometimes called the commercial revolution. This economic expansion continued through the Renaissance, a period characterized particularly by a flowering of the arts and sciences. The development of international trade and the exchange of ideas across cultures during the Renaissance further expanded the size, importance, and influence of cities.
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