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Article 15 Each Board meeting shall keep its minutes and filed in record. Where resolutions are made during the meeting, a meeting minutes shall be prepared that will be checked and signed by each Director present. Should the resolutions made by the Board violate laws, regulations or provisions of this Constitution that cause impairment to the Foundation, the Directors voting in favor of the resolutions shall be responsible for the consequences, whilst the Directors voting against the resolutions, as testified by the meeting minutes may be exempted from responsibility. Article 16 The Foundation shall set up a Board of Supervisors, consisting of three to seven Supervisors and one Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be selected among the Supervisors. The Supervisors as well as the Chairperson enjoy the same tenure as the Directors, eligible for another term.

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K. s day long interrogation of Greenwalds partner, David Miranda, at Heathrow Airport as he tried to return to his home in Brazil, after relaying documents to Poitras, who lives effectively in exile in Germany. link to rest of article hereAs the YesAllWomen hashtag trended over the weekend, I tweeted out a few of my own. In response to one of my tweets , a friendly tweep asked whether my experiences could be ascribed to a culture of violence. It was an important question, and I didnt respond as 140 characters seemed to be rather limiting. I want to think through one part of that question here.
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As before, the masses were still confined to the familiar hold of the primitive cheder education. And whoever had just learned how to read had to immediately proceed to reading the Bible in Hebrew. From the governments point of view, opening up general education to Jews rendered state Jewish schools unnecessary. From 1862 Jews were permitted to take posts of senior supervisors in such schools and so the personnel in these schools was being gradually replenished with committed Jewish pedagogues, who, acting in the spirit of the time, worked to improve mastery of Russian language and reduce teaching of specifically Jewish subjects. In 1873 these specialized schools were partially abolished and partially transformed, some into primary specialized Jewish schools of general standard, with 3 or 6 years study courses, and two specialized rabbinical schools in Vilna and Zhitomir were transformed into teacher training colleges. The government sought to overcome Jewish alienation through integrated education; however, the Commission for Arranging the Jewish Way of Life was receiving reports both from Jewish advocates, often high ranked, and from the opponents of reform who insisted that Jews must never be treated in the same way as other ethnic groups of the Empire, that they should not be permitted unrestricted residence all over the country; it might be allowed only after all possible measures were tried to turn Jews into useful productive citizens in the places where they live now and when these measures would prove their success beyond any doubt. Meanwhile, through the shock of ongoing reforms, especially of the abolition of the burdensome recruiting obligation in 1856 and through it the negation of the corresponding power of Jewish leaders over their communities, and then of the repeal of the associated special taxation in 1863, the administrative power of the community leaders was significantly weakened in comparison to their almost unrestricted authority in the past inherited from the Qahal abolished in 1844, that omnipotent arbiter of the Jewish life. It was then, at the end of 1850s and during the 1860s, when the baptized Jew, Yakov Brafman, appeared before the government and later came out publicly in an energetic attempt at radical reformation of the Jewish way of life. He had petitioned the Tsar with a memorandum and was summoned to St. Petersburg for consultations in the Synod. He set about exposing and explaining the Qahal system though a little bit late, since the Qahal had already been abolished.