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sp, Latin name for algae calcium carbonate, or calcified seaweed. Its main content is, of cause, calcium carbonate, the very same calcium compound found in coral calcium, rocks, oyster shell. Calcium carbonate is the least absorbable form of calcium. Just because it's from coral doesn't make it more absorbable than calcium carbonate from limestone. It goes the same for algae, or AlgaeCal. AlgaeCal is claimed to have 72 trace minerals does it sound familiar?Yes, coral calcium made the same claim.

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Upon the outbreak of war, these men for they were invariably men assumed the leadership of various committees formed. And while many nationalists joined the committees, these tended to be men of middle class station or prominent working class politicians. The ordinary working man or woman had little say in the conduct of the wartime measures coordinated by these people. Probably the most visible aspect of the early months of the war period was the increase in naval traffic in the Harbour, as the Royal Navy gathered many of its fleet to prepare to guard the western approaches to Ireland and Britain from attack by German submarines. Many residents of Cork had family members that served in either the Royal Navy or worked in industries that served the navy. There was a close connection between the Navy and Cork.
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Phonemic awareness: The ability to focus onthe individual speech sounds in words and to break words intotheir sounds, play with the sounds and blend them back togetheragain. Phonics teaches the correspondence betweenletters and sounds, building cumulatively from there, addingsimple words and sentences then more complex words and longersentences. The Whole Language Approach is kind of like thefree spirited, creative approach. You teach the child the verybasics like phonics then you let them go. You have a shelf ofinteresting books all the way from simple to full novels. Some kids are able to read complex stories veryshortly after they learn the alphabet and a few hundred words. They're naturally inspired. This approach works best for smart kids. Thestupider kids need to spend more time on phonics before they canread a novel on their own. If your child has problems learning to read,you might want to get his hearing and vision checked out. Ifthey're fine, it might be something in his brain.
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