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I just found your post pretensious Not trying to insult you, just stating my thoughts. And I say it with some conviction because I like things most people have no interest in. And its a lot less common than say, poetry, physics, or anything else. I say this because as much as you say you can speak about anything with a great level of knowledge, if you find someone sufficiently passionate about something, youll notice how little you know about the subject, and how your speaking cohesively about anything is actually just a scraping of the surface. What you said was a relative fact. You can throw loose facts youve read about anything, and if someones just talking out of his/her he/she will shut up. If you find someone who loves the subject and learns about it for fun, not even intending to learn about it, but reading and absorbing knowledge, youll get taught a lesson in humility. Oh, and the E!or MTV thing made me laugh, because it applies to a whole bunch of people I know, but I dont really watch TV at all. :P Im trying to keep this a civilized discussion between ME and YOU no fanboys, because though the original post seems to aim at aggressivenes, its really not supposed to be, so dont take it the wrong way. And by the second comment, I can see you dont come off as pretensious, but if you look at the article in the right light, you have to admit you kind of come off as such. F stated the truth.

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You may be offered a job that you would like to do while youre continuing to go to school to get your advanced degrees, but youre advanced degrees will be necessary to achieve your ultimate goals. During the pursuit of your Advanced Degrees you can do additional internships for credit, following the outline and requirements of the degree conferring institution, which in turn may also lead to other employment opportunities. While youre a student this is an ongoing fluid situation offering enormous, exciting, and endless possibilities. Your Associate Degree is a great beginning. Being able to earn practical experience and credit towards your degree is an exciting prospect that adds an additional virtual dimension to the educational process. No longer is simply a classroom education with a 4. 0 GPA enough. Employers want to see the multi dimensional thinking necessary to succeed in the very dynamic and ever changing workplace. The process of to successfully applying, interviewing, obtaining, and fulfilling the responsibilities of an internship demonstrates an understanding and ability to sequence and carry out a complicated plan. The plan to do an internship in turn is perfect practice to finding a job. The process is virtually the same.
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Things like pharmacies, dry cleaners, haberdasheries, barber shops, beauty shops, movie theaters, pool halls. Professional services like doctors, lawyers, dentists. Just the kinds of small businesses that make a place vibrant and engaging for folks. By 1921, Greenwood had a high school that taught Latin, chemistry, and physics; a three story hotel with a chandeliered living room; and a silent movie theater accompanied by a live pianist. There were 23 churches, two newspapers, and a public library serving about 11,000 black residents. The districts most successful entrepreneurs reinvested in the community, building parks and additional housing. Greenwood also had gambling, prostitution, and drugs. There were elegant homes along its most prominent residential avenues, while shanties without running water lined many side streets. This was hardly a utopia it was bound by the realities of Tulsas abundance of human vice and its systematic white oppression. But, along with prominent black business districts in Durham, North Carolina, and Richmond, Virginia, the people of Greenwood achieved a level of black economic success and self determination that had never existed before in the United States, then less than 60 years removed from slavery. Today it remains an aspirational symbol, with entrepreneurs and app developers invoking the Black Wall Street name to rally people to support black owned businesses.
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Absences due to medical appointments could be Unexpected or Excused in Advance. As with other absences, follow the flow chart below. Except for illnesses and emergencies, excused absences must be requested in advance. Absence requests of a non emergency nature should be directed to the directors of individual disciplines with scheduled learning activities on the days in question. When an absence is necessary because of illness or other substantial problems, you should notify the year two curriculum coordinator in the Office of Education and Curriculum via the call line, who in turn will notify the appropriate discipline leaders. During the introduction to clinical medicine blocks, these absences should be reported to the introduction to clinical medicine discipline director. Students will be excused from third year activities to seek needed medical care after notification and approval of the Core Clerkship or PEP Director or his/her designee. Advanced notice is preferred and should be directed to the appropriate Clerkship Director as soon aspossible. Students may request an absence in order to participate in a professional conference if she is giving a presentation, is on the conference planning committee, or has other official duties related to the organization and/or conference. Absence requests are not guaranteed and should be submitted to the appropriate Core Clerkship Director or PEP Director for consideration no later than four weeks prior to the start of the rotation. Students are expected to participate in all activities of the clerkship.
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Be sure to remind your readers that its okay to forward your newsletter to anyone theyd like. In addition, its important to include sign up instructions for those who received your E Zine from viral marketing methods. A simple line titled, Get Your Own Copy of XXXXXX, with a link to your squeeze or opt in page is all it takes!By offering surveys, feedback forms, and niche reports, youll be able to get valuable information about your prospects and customers. Learn what makes your readers tick, how to better serve them, and how to give them what they want. Make sure they become repeat customers!All of the above benefits of publishing an E Zine are free or almost free. The small cost of a top rated E Zine publishing system is nothing compared to the cost of brochures, business cards, advertising, direct mail, pay per click or other means of promotion. Not only that, but someone has to manage that production!Because your newsletter is delivered online, you can grow your list to be as large as you want without worrying about the expense. Affiliate Email marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits!The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission based email list. Marketers call contact lists their goldmine because it can generate much of their sales revenue.