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Failures in the education system have been blamed on rising poverty levels, teacher quality, tenure policies, and, increasingly, on the pervasive use of standardized tests. Proponents say standardized tests are a fair and objective measure of student achievement, that they ensure teachers and schools are accountable to taxpayers, and that the most relevant constituents parents and students approve of testing. Opponents say the tests are neither fair nor objective, that their use promotes a narrow curriculum and drill like teaching to the test, and that excessive testing undermines Americas ability to produce innovators and critical thinkers. Read more background, according to a peer reviewed, 100 year analysis of testing research completed in 2011 by testing scholar Richard P. Phelps. Without them, policy makers would have to rely on tests scored by individual schools and teachers who have a vested interest in producing favorable results. Multiple choice tests, in particular, are graded by machine and therefore are not subject to human subjectivity or bias. Former Washington, DC, schools chancellor Michelle Rhee argues that using alternate tests for minorities or exempting children with disabilities would be unfair to those students: You cant separate them, and to try to do so creates two, unequal systems, one with accountability and one without it. This is a civil rights issue. China displaced Finland as number one in reading, math, and science when Shanghai debuted on the Programme for International Student Assessment PISA rankings in 2009. Despite calls for a reduction in standardized testing, Chinas testing regimen remains firmly in place.

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So, what happened here?Matt Purdy, a deputy executive editor, said that when senior editors read the piece after it was published online, they thought it needed more perspective about whether Mr. Sanders would be able to carry out his campaign agenda if he was elected president. I thought it should say more about his realistic chances of doing that, Mr. Purdy told me. As first published, he said, editors believed that the article didnt approach that question. There was a feeling that the story wasnt written into this moment, Mr. Purdy said. After the editing changes, he said, it got to be a deeper story, with greater context. Three editors told me in no uncertain terms that the editing changes had not been made in response to complaints from the Clinton camp. Did the Clinton people even reach out?Not that I know of, Mr. Baquet told me in an email.