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We offer innovative and flexible degrees that allow you to learn about the subjects that interest you most. We teach in small groups and offer one to one tuition so that you receive a bespoke education. In the National Student Survey 2020, 94% of our students said that staff were good at explaining things. "The terrific range of modules on offer makes English Literature at Reading exciting and unique. This department tries to get the best out of its students, across the board. This shines through in the work the students are doing as well as the quality of the marking staff are really engaged with their students and are constantly striving to encourage and support their intellectual growth. " External Examiner's report on the Department of English Literature, 2017. Literary treasures at the University of Reading Included in our collections:a 1928 draft manuscript of Thomas Hardy's poem 'We Field Women', which is explicitly related to his famous novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles 1891the largest collection of Beckett original manuscripts the 'Book of Poems' by John Donne, published 1633books in our printing and publishing archives from publishing houses such as Chatto, Longmans and Hogarth Press amongst others. original Mills and Boon publications including the first, 'Arrows in the Dark'. 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte, presented under her pen name Currer BellDickens' 'Dombey and Son' and 'Little Dorritt' as they were originally publishedwhat is thought to be the first picture book for children, published in 1755over 200 editions of 'The Wizard of Oz' a rare edition of Oscar Wilde's 'Salome' with illustrations by Aubrey Beardsleya 1719 first publication of 'Robinson Crusoe' by Daniel Defoe one of the first English language novels ever published, and we have hundreds of other editionsover 6000 books in our Children's Collection from the 17th to the 20th centurythe Ladybird Book CollectionLatest from our blogs Literary treasures at the University of Reading Included in our collections:a 1928 draft manuscript of Thomas Hardy's poem 'We Field Women', which is explicitly related to his famous novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles 1891the largest collection of Beckett original manuscripts the 'Book of Poems' by John Donne, published 1633books in our printing and publishing archives from publishing houses such as Chatto, Longmans and Hogarth Press amongst others. original Mills and Boon publications including the first, 'Arrows in the Dark'.

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Are you abandoning the icon font or replacing old pg, gif and png graphics for the well supported SVG, too?Lets see how this will impact users of assistive technology AT and what is needed in order to ensure a great user experience for everyone. Marco Hengstenberg visits the practice of using SVG icons with inline sprites, and how to ensure these icons are accessible. Adding alternative text for images is the first principle of web accessibility. It is also one of the most difficult to properly implement. This decision tree describes how to use the alt attribute of the element in various situations. For some types of images, there are alternative approaches, such as using CSS background images for decorative images or web fonts instead of images of text. An image, they say, is worth a thousand words. Unless you cant perceive images. This is why the alt attribute for images on the web is so important. Scalable Vector Graphics SVGs have been around since 1999, but they have seen a real resurgence in use as design interactions have become more complex and CSS/JavaScript have replaced antiquated animation programs such as Adobe Flash. The Poet Training Tool is a web based image description resource that helps people learn when and how to describe various types of images frequently found in educational books.
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The three targeted admins are one of the best admins on hr. wiki, hard working and determined to do their job. Keep on the good work guys!Ceha talk 22:33, 1 December 2019 UTC Strong oppose As far as I can see, the same story again. The same man, aided by more or less the same little group of supporters, for the n th time attacks and obstructs the whole Croatian project because of his frustration and personal anger towards the administrators and lot of the other users he quarreled over because of his aggression. The actions he proposed prove what kind of person he is. Removing the admin status, dismissing admins and giving them a lifetime ban from reapplying?Really?Does somebody want to punish administrators harder than the worst vandals?Administrators, who enjoy the support of the majority of the community?It is worrying that someone wants to be a dictator in the 21st century, on Wikipedia, and silence the dissenters by totalitarian methods.
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This is going to save me and my team considerable time and ache, as we are forever explaining it to clients some of which are hard to convince marketing depts. Now we have a short video from an authority source that says exactly as we do, in a concise manner. The only thing it's missing that we also tend to state, is that by targeting other audiences with content, we are indirectly targeting their specific audience anyway since increased authority for the domain from successful content will lead to higher visibility on topics that drive the specific traffic they seek too :The data you're using US results only Pete?Can't see much happening in the UK from playing around here, in a very non scientific bunch of manual Googling. Edit Just noticed Ash commented re UK and it maybe starting on Friday not seeing anything massively different since then either though, and that would be weird as don't they always roll everything out in the US first?The data you're using US results only Pete?Can't see much happening in the UK from playing around here, in a very non scientific bunch of manual Googling. Edit Just noticed Ash commented re UK and it maybe starting on Friday not seeing anything massively different since then either though, and that would be weird as don't they always roll everything out in the US first?The data you're using US results only Pete?Can't see much happening in the UK from playing around here, in a very non scientific bunch of manual Googling. Edit Just noticed Ash commented re UK and it maybe starting on Friday not seeing anything massively different since then either though, and that would be weird as don't they always roll everything out in the US first?Ha!People really do that with the 'As seen on Moz'?Anyway, good post Byron. I think it will be useful for agencies that get a lot of quote requests from small businesses, those who have high expectations but no budget, that tend to go for big promises from scammers. The place I used to work about 4 years ago would ask for quotes then opt for a service of 'Guaranteed first place on Google for 50 per month'. some would contact us again a few months later saying our warnings were right, but others would just keep getting ripped off like that. Anyway, good post Byron. I think it will be useful for agencies that get a lot of quote requests from small businesses, those who have high expectations but no budget, that tend to go for big promises from scammers.
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Tell students that they are going to guess the shape you are drawing. Design your town either on graph paper poster paper on the computer or using a nbsp 3 Mar 2017 Episode 1 Similarity Project MATHEMATICS episode except episodes 6 and 9 and is available in PDF and TIFF formats for download nbsp 7 Sep 2017 Indeed photogrammetry and Lidar together with 3D city modelling tools point cloud until they meet ad hoc geometric and semantic criteria. The usual way to get numbers in relation to shapes in your hands is through the use of coordinates. Once all manufacturing is complete the project team will assemble the entire system by hand. 65 MB This project leads student through the Circle unit of Geometry in learning about Arc Length Sector Area Segment Area Lines in Circles and Circle Equations. If the same number is added to or subtracted 3. Six 6 streets that are parallel to each other. quot Construction quot in Geometry means to draw shapes angles or lines accurately. It was designed with specific tasks for a Montessori classroom but tasks can be edited as needed. One 1 additional . Stuck on a geometry question that 39 s not in your textbook Chegg 39 s geometry experts can provide answers and solutions to virtually any geometry problem often in as little as 2 hours.