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The US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that 66 percent of new establishments survive for two years, and that number drops to 44 percent two years later. Anita Campbell, Business Failure Rates Is Highest in First Two Years, Small Business Trends, July 7, 2005, accessed October 7, 2011, smallbiztrends. com/2005/07/business failure rates highest in. html. It appears that the longer you survive, the higher the probability of your continued existence. This makes sense, but it is no guarantee. Any business can fail after many years of success. There is no more puzzling or better studied issue in the field of small business than what causes them to fail. Given the critical role of small businesses in the US economy, the economic consequences of failure can be significant. Yet there is no definitive answer to the question. Three broad categories of causes of failure have been identified: managerial inadequacy, financial inadequacy, and external factors.

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Also coming is the long promised second article by Fr. Fossati of the Collegamento pro Sindone about photographer Secondo Pia and the 1898 Exhibition, an article by a researcher from the University of Pittsburgh dealing with the iconography of the Russian Orthodox Church as it relates to the Shroud and an article titled "Natural Factors Affecting the Apparent Radiocarbon Age of Textiles" by Mario Moroni and Remi van Haelst. In addition, look for the latest edition of the British Society for the Turin Shroud BSTS Newsletter coming very soon. The still "under construction" "Research Registry" page will also be unveiled within the next month. As you can see, the website continues to grow!I truly appreciate everyone's participation, assistance and support in helping to make the site a valuable addition to Shroud study. Thank you all!"The Shroud of Turin CD Rom Update" page of this website now includes a new update with an even more detailed description of the Explorer Edition disk and an introduction to the Executive Producer of the project. The "Links To More Information" page has been updated to include a link to a previously unpublished review of David Sox's 1988 book, "The Shroud Unmasked". The review was written by Greg Fewer of the Waterford Institute of Technology in Waterford, Ireland, who was kind enough to submit it for inclusion on this website. It offers an overview of the book and points out some possible problems and errors. I have added a new entry to the "List of Countries That Have Visited This Website" page, which now includes 88 countries and Antarctica. Our most recent addition is a first visit from French Polynesia.
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I paid for mine and my wife's surgery out of pocket. $5500 a piece in Tijuana including everything while there and flying from FL to Mexico. Sure, the problems are mental, I get that. I recognize my problem. The shaming of people who get surgery is pretty stupid though. You are essentially saying "Work through it. Live with who you are and fix it. " Well, apply that to YOUR problems. Broken leg?Work through it. Diabetes?Tough, work through it. Cancer?No treatment for you!Old?Stupid?Bald?Arthritis?Miners lung?Pregnant?PTSD?Liver failure?STDs?Heart failure?Appendix ruptured?Got the flu?Yes, all those things are your fault too.
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