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Educators who did not give the test by February 28, the last day winter MAP test scores are valid, could face disciplinary action, said Clover Codd, a top official with the Seattle School District. "We hear their concerns, we want to work with them, but we need to do what's right for our children," Codd said. "There may be two rights here. " A district appointed task force will recommend on May 2 whether to renew a contract to use MAP, which costs the district $436,114 for 36,718 licenses. The Seattle dissent was mirrored by dozens of high school students in Portland, Oregon, who launched a boycott in February over state required exams students must pass to graduate, though they can meet the new proficiency requirements using other tests. In Providence, Rhode Island, high school students splattered themselves with fake blood and acted like zombies to protest over a similar move by state education officials. Elsewhere, more than 500 school boards in Texas and several large school districts in Florida have passed resolutions demanding a reduced focus on standardized tests. "We are just seeing the very beginning of this testing revolt," Jesse Hagopian, one of the dissenting teachers in Seattle, told Reuters. The Seattle move has drawn support from education leaders, such as historian Diane Ravitch, and the nation's largest teacher unions. "As soon as they use an ill designed test to make a high stakes decision on someone's employment, I believe it's going to be in court," National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel told Reuters. After protesters gathered outside Seattle Town Hall, the featured speaker, former chancellor of Washington, D.

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Such lamps shall be mounted as specified in RCW 46. 37. 0907. 6a Every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, and pole trailer used in the state of Washington may be equipped with an auxiliary lighting system consisting of: i One green light to be activated when the accelerator of the motor vehicle is depressed; ii Not more than two amber lights to be activated when the motor vehicle is moving forward, or standing and idling, but is not under the power of the engine. b Such auxiliary system shall not interfere with the operation of vehicle stop lamps or turn signals, as required by RCW 46. 37. 005 and46. 37. 320, before it may be sold or offered for sale in the state of Washington. Notes: Construction Application of rules Severability 1987 c 330: See notes following RCW 28B. 12.