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74. What you will be left with is an ulceration. Check foot products you buy to make sure they are safe for diabetics. 7. Dry between your toes. Increased moisture between your toes can lead to the skin breaking down.

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There were plenty of other stories we could have told in this piece. If anyone had raised doubts about how verifiable Jackies narrative was, her case could have been summarized in a paragraph deep in the story. No such doubts came to his attention, he said. As to the apparent gaps in reporting, attribution and verification that had accumulated in the storys drafts, Dana said, I had a faith that as it went through the fact checking that all this was going to be straightened out. At Rolling Stone, every story is assigned to a fact checker. At newspapers, wire services and in broadcast newsrooms, there is no job description quite like that of a magazine fact checker.
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Secondly, it need not be meaningful. Finally, it does not have to be statistically probable. Chomsky shows all three points using a nonsensical sentence "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. " He writes that the sentence is instinctively "grammatical" to a native English speaker. But it is not included in any known corpus at the time and is neither meaningful nor statistically probable. Chomsky concludes that "grammar is autonomous and independent of meaning. " He adds that "probabilistic models give no particular insight into some of the basic problems of syntactic structure. "British linguist Marcus Tomalin stated that a version of "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" was suggested decades earlier by Rudolf Carnap. This German philosopher offered in 1934 the pseudo sentence "Piroten karulieren elatisch". According to American linguist Reese Heitner, Carnap's sentence showed the autonomy of both syntactic and phonological structures. In the third chapter titled "An Elementary Linguistic Theory", Chomsky tries to determine what sort of device or model gives an adequate account of a given set of "grammatical" sentences.
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Questioning is so important and we want to create environments that encourage students to ask questions if they dont understand. The old saying is still so true; The only silly question, is the one that is not asked. Mr FarnhamSupport Inclusion Respect We want to acknowledge good questioning and encourage other students to offer a solution. Questioning is so important and we want to create environments that encourage students to ask questions if they dont understand. We want to acknowledge good questioning and encourage other students to offer a solution. Questioning is so important and we want to create environments that encourage students to ask questions if they dont understand. Facilities UpgradeWe are pleased to be able to announce that Allmore Constructions are the successful tenderer and will be undertaking the facilities work on M Block, C Block and the eastern locker bays. This work will lead to improved Mathematics, Music and Systems Technology spaces. Allmore will begin work on the project by the end of this month and the buildings are expected to be completed by May 2021. We will keep you informed with regular updates on the projects progress. Parent Opinion SurveyIn 2020, all parents and guardians will be offered the opportunity to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey.