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Also on this siteand particularly useful for therapistsyoull find meditation scripts and self compassion exercises for yourself or clients. 2. Chrisgermer. com is another lovely source of more resources on mindful self compassion. Germer is the co developer of MSC training, and as such, his website is a good place for helping professionals interested in developing their MSC skills. Youll also find guided meditations on the core self compassion skills, written PDF instructions in the same, practices to teach or work through with clients, and online workshops. 3. Linked closely to Chrisgermer. com, the CenterforMSC. org website is also a rich source of meditations, practices, and general background for therapists and coaches. Professionals can search for online practice groups such as the MSC Community for Deepening Practice and related off site communities.
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Time is money! Dropping Rates I talked to a New Jersey based UberX driver who was frustrated about new lower rates instituted in his area. They sent out an email earlier in the year that they were lowering rates, but not to panic because lower prices would increase demand and wed have more trips, so it would all even out. Since that email I havent made anywhere close to the same as before. I could go an hour or two without a single ping. That means I spent the entire hour making no money but my expenses didnt change. Work When You Want Doesnt it sound blissful: Set your own hours and control your income based on when you want to work. This is probably the most egregious of all the selling points to Uber because working when you want doesnt always mean that there will be demand. You know what they dont tell you when you sign up?You must work at least Saturday night into Sunday morning when the bars close. Thats when youre going to make the most money, says a California based driver. Im 25; I dont want to work Saturday nights. I want to be with my friends.