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But the model of the loving and beloved pet does not spread love; it holds it tight inside the family. U. S. publics learn to imagine themselves as compassionate, moral people because they their children and their pets. They learn that this makes them good peopleunlike terrorists, who only hate. They imagine that this equips them to make decisions for the whole world; it creates a moral hierarchy in which American goodness is qualification for global leadership. Other peoples, and other species, are judged by their ability to live up to U. S. standards of domestic intimacy. If they are properly engaged with family they may deserve to live. Others risk becoming collateral damage in U.

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We are blessed with a diverse, wonderful community that supports the education of our students. Your partnership with us is vital. We look forward to seeing your children arrive every day, and thank you for the opportunity to work with them, to help them grow. The IT department is excited to announce that we are changing helpdesk systems on Wednesday, September 30th to TeamDynamix. This new system enables us to provide you more timely service and information. From an outage center so you can check to see if the major apps we use are down, to an ever growing number of knowledge base articles, we will be offering you more ability to get the answers you need quickly and efficiently.
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The muscles work hard, but because of the buoyancy of the body in water, the joints are not stressed by the full weight of the animal. Swimming can be especially beneficial for animals recovering from injuries, or for older animals suffering from arthritis. During hot spells, it can be a way of exercising animals thats less likely to lead to overheating: every year, dogs collapse during walks on sunny days from hyperthermia; swimming in cold water avoids this risk. Dog owners are being warned today about a dangerous poison thats become more common in ponds and lakes across the UK after the recent hot spell: blue green algae. Dogs are at risk when they drink or swim in water where theres been an algal bloom, typically seen in stagnant pools of water after warm, calm weather. These blooms are often concentrated on the windward side of ponds, lakes or reservoirs, so its well worth checking these areas out for visible signs of green or blue slime or scum before allowing a pet access to the water. If theres a known problem, local authorities often erect warning signs, but you cant depend on being warned in this way: a new algal growth can appear in a clean body of water at any time. Theres a range of different types of algal blooms, each producing a different type of poison. There are three main types of toxins: one causes liver failure, and the other two are neurotoxins. Pets are affected after ingesting the algae, either by drinking affected water, or by grooming themselves after being immersed. Signs of poisoning happen very rapidly, within minutes or hours of exposure, and emergency veterinary treatment is needed.
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Learn more. Microsoft Teams is a communication tool for groups, teams, or departments. Teams is a workspace for communication, meetings, file sharing, and app sharing. Teams enables the participation of those with validated identities, for collaborations at K State and elsewhere. Teams has recently enabled a Class Team type, with assignment/quiz features, a gradebook, and other aspects that can be used for teaching and learning. Final grades will still have to be submitted through Canvas and affirmed in KSIS or input directly into KSIS, to meet privacy and accessibility guidelines. Canvas is the officially supported learning management system with the appropriate integrations. Other systems such as Microsoft Teams are available but have limited support. Based on feedback from faculty, K Staters have been using Teams for various types of teaching and learning applications, most often as a complement to existing teaching and learning methods face to face, blended, and fully online. Many third party content creators have also created shareable assignments and quizzes and applications that may be integrated. For support with Microsoft Teams, contact the IT Helpdesk at 785 532 7722 or email .
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Zahraa KhamisLeft to Rightfront: Manny Constantino, Dr. Mark Druen Roycik, Dale Bosco, Dr. Sang,Jennifer Myers, Siyuan Xiong, Luxi QiaoAround the Tableleft to right: Mark Katz, Kelsey Decker Pulice, Dr. Mark Druen Roycik, DaleBosco, Dr. Sang, Siyuan Xiong, Paul Stewart, Dr. Liang KangLeft to Right:Jennifer Myers, Dr.